
We are recruiting!!

Fitsaurus is currently hiring for the following positions:

1. WordPress/PHP Developer

Techie? If you can build, manage and optimize WordPress websites from the scratch, update & install plugins, make changes to existing code and write new ones, contact us.

2. Social Media Manager

Social butterfly? If you have proven skills of managing social media accounts, waste no time, we are looking for someone who has the potential to help us build our reach on major social media platforms. We don’t have a job description for this role because we want you to show us what you can do. Contact us with your own unique yet productive strategies.

3. Content Manager

King of content? We need someone who can give us that extra rep on the bench press!! Just kidding! If you can spot the smallest of errors even in the best written articles, this job is already yours. Curate content, stay up to date with the latest trends in the health & fitness industry, come up with topics that really stands out from the millions of fitness articles online. Be responsible for the A to Z published on our website. Contact us.

4. Writers

Shakespeare or Tolstoy? You are our soul. If you love to write, great. If you love to write on health & fitness, say no further. Contact us and we talk further. Get recognized as one of the top writers in the health and fitness industry. Your work, you get the credit, we are the platform. Join our core editorial team that works tirelessly to churn out the best content that will help & inspire millions of fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

Fitsauran and proud.