Fitness Story: 25 Year Old’s Fat Loss Journey is a Result of Evading Obesity Just in Time

Name:Ravi Vhatkar
Age: 25 years
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Earlier Weight: 97 kg
Current Weight:  79 kg

Turning point: When I reached 97 kg in February 2016, I was told that I am slowly moving towards obesity and it will be very difficult to make any changes once I reach that stage. It is then I realized that it will be horrible after 1 or 2 months.

Hurdles faced: I used to eat as and when I wanted and this is what really led me to have a bad shape. I would not have a proper diet or anything and would just randomly eat whatever I wanted and this really did not help. Stopping this habit was very difficult for me. I had to make sure that I eat only how much I need and only as per my requirements.

Driving force: This may sound funny but I really got inspired after watching Chris Evans in the movie, Captain America. His physique is really amazing and I started following him on social media and also looked up for his diet and training programs. He is certainly a super hero who has inspired and motivated me. Anyone who motivates you to get fit, even if they are a fictional character then it really is worth it.

Workout program: I did weights 5 days a week for 1 to 1.30 hour and cardio for 15 mins every day after workout. Weight training has helped me in my fat loss journey and you really need to stop spending hours doing cardio because trust me Weight Training and lifting heavy gets you the best results even in Weight Loss.

Diet followed: I followed a diet that was given to be my trainer; however I would say that it is very important to have a clean and healthy diet. That is what matters the most. Count what you eat and most importantly count your calories, micros and macros. You cannot lose weight overnight or get muscular in a week if you do not follow your diet.

I also followed articles and stories posted by Fitsaurus. The diet and training articles are to the point. The stories are very inspirational and unlike the other unworthy news and posts on other pages on Facebook, stories by Fitsaurus are by real people and it is motivating to read and know about how others have achieved their fitness goals.

Inspire your tribe: Basically I am a Mechanical engineer and I’m working 6 days a week and I hit the gym after my office. The youngsters of this country must follow a healthy lifestyle from a very early age and this will help them later in life. Stay fit and exercise on a regular basis. Having no time is never going to be an excuse. If you can find time to spend on social media or with your friends then you must find time to workout. Your body will make you feel confident.

(Disclaimer: This story is shared by the Protagonist himself. Fitsaurus holds the copyright for this content on their behalf. Using this story or pictures of the story for any promotional activities can lead to legal actions against the perpetrator.)

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