Fitness Story: Living in a Small Town with Limited Facilities, Shubham Worked His Way to Achieve a Good Physique

Name: Shubham Gheek
Age: 24
Height: 5 ft 6 inches
Weight: 84 kgs
Residence: Rudrapur, Uttrakhand
Fitness Achievement:
I have transformed myself and changed my lifestyle completely, from being a fat obese kid, to now lifting 2x bodyweight, I have gained myself a much stronger and healthy lifestyle.

What made you take up fitness seriously?
I was in class 12th when I decided to go to the gym first time, as due to my lifestyle, genetics and wrong eating habits, I was very fat. People around me constantly teased me, made fun of me and I couldn’t even find proper clothes for my body. So I started going to the gym, but because of improper guidance, I never got any satisfying results, which made me quit the gym. I again started working out in 2015, but again due to improper guidance, the results were too slow and demotivating, but still I continued this time. Then I finally met a guy, who helped me and guided me through my journey, we worked out together and this time, I got much stronger and leaner than before. From the last three months, I followed a strict exercise and nutrition plan based on correct scientific guidance, and this time, I got the fastest results.

What keeps you motivated?
My past and my journey till now keeps me motivated, constant increase in strength and improvement in daily lifestyle became more of an addiction to me now. My friends and family supported me equally throughout my transformation.

What are the hurdles you faced on course to achieving your fitness goals?
I faced a lot of problems during my journey. Because I belonged to a middle class business family, it became very difficult for me to make up time for fitness and spend money on the diet and supplements. Also, due to my endomorph body type, I used to get back to my original body shape and gained fat real quick at times when I got off path from my diet and exercise, due to some reasons.

Who are your role models / who do you look up to?
No, I don’t have any role models. I look up myself as my role model and as my competition, and always strive to get better than what I am.

What is your current workout program / what was your workout program while training for your fitness goal?
I followed PUSH-PULL-LEGS workout during my 3 months transformation, and used to train HEAVY.

Wednesday – Cardio
Friday- Abs, cardio
Sunday – Rest
I used to do stretching daily after my workout.

What diet did you follow while training?
From last three months, I followed a strict KETO diet and it gave me the quickest results, and best energy throughout the day.

Breakfast- 4 egg wholes made in butter, cheese, almonds
Lunch – 4 egg wholes made in butter
Pre workout- 1 spoon coconut oil
Post workout- 1 scoop whey protein, 1 spoon coconut oil
Dinner – 150gm paneer made in ghee, cheese, veggies.

I did not have any cheat meal in these 3 months. I also used to drink 8 litres of water a day during my transformation.

What is your favourite workout and your favourite body part to exercise?
My favourite workout is PUSH-PULL. And my favourite body part to exercise is back.

What is your cheat meal?
I loved to eat pani puri, as a cheat meal, whenever I got a chance to eat.

What supplements have you used and which ones do you find the best?
I have used whey protein isolate, bcaa, glutamine, creatine, pre workout, fish oil, multivitamin. Well, according to me, I find all the supplements to be effective if taken with correct guidance and diet. Glutamine helped me a lot to recover from my heavy workouts though.

What are your favourite workout songs?
I Prefer songs which boost me up, and keep me motivated during my workout. I prefer watching videos from youtube channels – LIVEFITMOTIVATION, GYMLEGION and listening to their songs.

What have been your accomplishments so far?
Squat- 170kg
Deadlift- 170kg
Bench press- 145kg

What are your long term plans in terms of fitness / career in fitness?
I look up fitness as a lifestyle and way of improving my daily life, and will follow fitness till my last breathe.

What are some diet and workout tips you would like to give our readers?
Eat plenty of protein, fats from sources such as ghee, butter, egg yolks and limit your carbohydrate intake as much as possible. Drink a plenty of water. Work on your form and technique before lifting heavy weights, and focus on basic compound lifts rather than fancy isolation movements, and work with progressive overload on weights, rather than over-training a muscle.

What is one fitness advice you would like to give every beginner?
Always follow scientific guidance, and work on improving your overall fitness, rather than just focusing on weight training or cardio. Avoid ego lifting, and always work on your form and technique before lifting heavy weights. Take care of your nutrition and rest equally, if you want results. Stick to basics like, squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, bench press, overhead presses, etc.

Are you offering training/nutrition programs?
I would like to get people in touch with my friend instead, who is a fitness trainer educated from K11 ACADEMY OF FITNESS SCIENCES and guided my throughout my fitness journey for last few months and designed my nutrition and workout program, and kept me motivated throughout to let this transformation happen.

If you guys are really serious regarding your fitness goals and want someone who can actually get you quick results naturally, then contact him,

Contact: 8941805543
Instagram: himanshu_garg_official

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