How Many Calories Are There in Rooh Afza & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

How Many Calories Are There in Rooh Afza & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

Rooh Afza is popular drink which is well known for its cooling effect.  The term Rooh Afza implies to “Nourish the Soul.” Fragrance, flavour, and cooling effect are several properties of this drink. The ingredients include various herbs, fruits, vegetables, flowers, and roots. Nelumbo, Blue star water lily, European white lily, chicory, coriander and borage are the prime herbal components of Rooh Afza. The vegetable ingredients include Mint, Carrot and Spinach. The key fruit components include strawberry, pineapple, Watermelon, berries, orange, raspberry, loganberry, blackcurrant, concord grapes and cherry. Rose, orange, keora and lemon are the flower ingredients. Apart from flowers, herbs, veggies and fruits, the only root used is “vetiver” also known as khus.

Calories in Rooh Afza are as given below in the table

Food Qty Protein  



Fat Fiber Total Calories
Rooh Afza 30 ml 0 g 23 g 0 g 0 g 90

 The herbal flavoured Rooh Afza is widely used in preparing kheer, phirni, Falood, kulfi, Milk Shakes and lassi. Rooh Afza contains vital minerals such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, phosphorous which helps in dealing with dehydration and tiredness. Rooh Afza helps in maintaining the water balance in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the body as it improves the vitality, stamina and energy. Rooh Afza has favourable effects on the cardiovascular functions since it improves the cardiac efficiency, cardiac blood supply and regulates the heart beat. Rooh Afza improves the haemoglobin content of the blood. It helps in decreasing the body heat and hence it is useful to curb fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. Rooh Afza curbs numbness, indigestion, giddiness and stomach ache. It also promotes nitrogen stability in the body and hence is an ideal drink to gain weight.

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Poonam Joshi:
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