Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects of Glutamine for Bodybuilding

Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects of Glutamine for Bodybuilding
L-Glutamine or Glutamine is an amino acid that has the potential to improve metabolism and muscle growth. It happens to be the most common amino acid found in human body. It is also responsible for protein synthesis and transportation of nitrogen to the cells. The existing glutamine levels in the body are depleted by both the small intestine as well as the White Blood Cells in the fuel process, to keep you fit.

What are Glutamine amino acids?
Glutamine amino acids are amongst the top 20 essential nutrients processed by human body. It is found abundantly (sixty percent) in human muscles. Apart from this, it can be found in daily dairy and animal based diet available in Indian foods like eggs, chicken, fish, beetroot, cabbage and spinach. It is also present in high levels in casein and whey protein as well. So, look before you eat!

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Glutamine Uses and Benefits:

  • Glutamine is a key contributor to anti-catabolism i.e. reduces the breakdown of the muscles. Also, if you wish to lose the winter fat without hampering the existing achievement on the fitness front then glutamine is your best friend.
  • During the workout sessions, the body goes through a test of stamina and endurance. In this process, the glutamine levels get depleted at a fast rate. Since Glutamine happens to be a key factor in recovery and protein synthesis, it is suggested that glutamine supplement may be introduced to the diet.
  • It positively contributes to strength based workout as well as increases reaction time. Those who like to call themselves gym hoggers will find this useful for sustained reaction time.
  • Patients suffering from physical trauma or AIDS can gain suitable muscle mass through glutamine supplement. Similarly, positive results were observed in patients suffering from ischemia (lower oxygen levels in tissues) and cardiovascular issues.
  • It is useful to boost water retention in muscles and production of glycogen. Thus, it is useful for treatment of short bowel movement.

Glutamine Dosage: As the body loses considerable energy during the training regime, taking glutamine powder or Glutamine supplement ensures that the immunity stays Strong. If such a process is not done then chances are that you would become susceptible to diseases or illness. Thus, for a bodybuilder, the ideal glutamine dosage stands pegged at 10-15 grams per day. This can be further divided into three doses of morning, post workout and pre-sleeping.

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Side effects: Although adverse side effects of glutamine supplement are few but a few mild effects may appear in form of:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Muscular pains
  • Excessive sweating
  • Rashes or itches
  • Gas
  • Vomiting

A word of caution: Do consult with the physician if any of the following points occur:

  • Fever chills
  • Problem in hearing
  • Chest discomfort
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Unexplained fatigue

Conclusion: The glutamine is an essential amino acid for human being and especially for bodybuilders. Keeping in view that the depletion occurs more than consumption, glutamine supplement are essential to stay fit and healthy by prevention of catabolism. So, if you hit the gym take glutamine with you.

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