Easy to do Home Workout Plan

Easy to do Home Workout Plan

When it comes to exercises lot of people come up with excuses like “I don’t have time for workouts”, “I cannot afford a gym membership”, “gym is too far from my place” or “I am too shy to workout in a crowded gym’, etc. well the good news is you do not need that expensive gym membership, not having time is not a concern it is all about how we prioritize our time and all you need is 30 to 45 minutes in a day, irrespective of morning or evening.  So to answer all these questions let me tell you that there are numerous exercises which can be done at home, and the best part is you do not need any equipment for this, with your own body weight you can do these exercises.


Easy to do Home Workout PlanExercisesFew of the exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, burpees, core exercises like planks, birddog are very beneficial and can be done easily but if you invest in something like a pair of dumbbells or resistance tube which are not expensive, then surely you can make your workouts more enjoyable and fun.  These equipments can provide you lot of variations with regards to the workouts.  Below are few images for reference:

Easy to do Home Workout Plan


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Easy to do Home Workout Plan


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You only need 30 to 45 mins of time from your daily schedule which is not very difficult to manage.  If you do not get time in the mornings then no need to worry as evenings are also good for workouts as long as you perform these exercises you are on your way to good health.  A dedicated 3 days a week schedule is optimum to start with then of course you can make it a 5 or 6 day routine, if initially everyday workout is not possible.  Major benefits of including these exercises in your routine is they would give you good amount of lean muscle, better functionality of your joints, stronger tendons and ligaments, better sleep, happy hormones and your overall insulin sensitivity improves.

It is very beneficial especially for people with medical conditions like malfunction of thyroid, diabetes, heart diseases to exercise as its a best remedy to keep these diseases under control and would also help them on cutting down their medications to some extent.

If the above listed exercises are done on a regular basis then you can expect your metabolism to get a good boost which means you will burn more calories even at rest which I am sure end of the day everyone is looking for that.  So, what are you waiting for start your workouts right from tomorrow and see the changes happening in you.

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Shekhar Bali:
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