Fitness Story: Losing 90 kgs, Mukul’s achievement is an inspiration to many Indians looking to lose weight & build muscles.

Losing 90 kgs, Mukul’s achievement is an inspiration to many Indians looking to lose weight & build muscles.

Name: Mukul Miglani
Age: 23
Weight : 93 kgs
Height : 5’10



    It was august 2014 when I decided it was time and I should just start doing something about my weight and size which was just increasing every passing day and by now I weighed 185 kgs, way too much for a 20 year old or anybody for that matter, and then I started my journey with ANYTIME FITNESS (MODE TOWN BRANCH). First few months were really tough though the weight was going but there was hardly any visible difference. Then came the actual turning point in this journey, I was introduced to Mr.Rakesh Guia who would from then till date is my personal trainer. He just made me do everything according to my performance level and I now started getting visible results as people who used to mock me in the gym now started complimenting me. Yes! This is EXACTLY WHY YOU MUST NEVER GIVE UP.


There have been significant achievements, such as the waist which at one time used to be 48 is now 32, the shirt which used to be 4xl has now become M or L and the weight which was 185 is now 95 and above all, the BODY FAT% which was 68% is now 20%



Well, talk about hurdles, talk about rejections! There were many rejections I had to face and who doesn’t face them but in my case they were literally there every moment. Being a laughing stock at school and then carrying that on in college was just a thing…. Going to parties and weddings only to be belittled and mocked, by now it was torturous as everybody would just find ways to body shame me and give their expertise on what all must I do, at the same time laughing behind my back.

Then there were hurdles in the gym, in the early days my weight was consistently going down but the physical changes were hardly noticeable, then I got to know that it’s the water that is being lost from the body which is leading to drop in weight, then came the plateau stages which would just stall all the progress for days and sometimes even months. And of course the mocking and body shaming which was pretty much there all the time did dip my confidence to an extent but quitting is not an option my dad told me once.


FAMILY OFCOURSE but one man in particular Mr. Mukesh Gogia ( big brother figure like and also the owner of ATF model town). This one man was just always there having my back and supported me in every way possible and my icon, the guy whom I follow religiously Cristiano Ronaldo CR7.


My workout depended on the progress and performance my body was giving. In the initial stages it was just basics, basics of running, basic movements of exercises as basics are the foundation to anything big and illustrious, then I changed gears and went on to HIT, VT, SPRINTS, PLYMETRICS and TRX training all under the guidance of my personal trainer Mr. Rakesh Gulia. 


As being a hardcore non-vegetarian and an owner of a restaurant, following my diet was not really a problem as all the resources were available and the micros and macros were always in check.


“Hardwork pays off & Dreams do come true.”

If I can do, so can YOU.

It is always the initial step that is tough which defines you and your character and the it’s all about sticking to the basics and not being complacent at all and  above all stay humble.  #bemotivated 

I thank Fitsaurus for featuring my story and I wish them all the best for their future. Indian Fitness needs a platform like this. Everywhere else there are only websites and Facebook pages that bombard you with information without asking your feedback or knowing what you want or allowing you to have a role in helping others too. Fitsaurus is just the answer to all of these. Great work team. Keep going!

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