Indian Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet For Hardgainers

Indian Vegetarian Muscle Building Diet For Hardgainers


Hardgainers or Ectomorphs are genetically thin. They can eat too much and they still look skinny. Keeping weight under control is a good thing but being under weight is a problem. It is very difficult for hardgainers to gain weight. Due to the rapid metabolism rate, their body absorbs and burns everything down they consume. The hardgainers appear thin and most of them are out of shape due to the lack of appropriate muscle mass or fat in their body. Hardgainers digest the food at a faster rate and hence they need to consume frequent and large meals that include the good amount of macro-nutrients and micronutrients. This will make them stronger internally and also improve body structure. The Indian vegetarian diet plan for muscle gain will definitely help those people who try hard to gain weight but still feel helpless.


This 3000 calorie Indian vegetarian diet plan for muscle gain includes all the seven components of a balanced diet to meet the calorie requirements of hardgainers.


Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates consist of small chains of sugar which is broken down by the digestive system into glucose to use as the body’s main energy source and hence this needs to make up around 45 to 65% of the diet. 

Proteins: It is essential for repairing, rejuvenating and regenerating body tissues as well as cells. Protein helps to maintain a healthy functioning immune system and producing hormones with the help of amino acids which are found in protein-based foods. In total there are 20 types of amino acids,  9 of which are ‘essential’ and can only be found in certain foods.

Fats: It is an essential part of a healthy diet and should account for about 15 to 20% of your food. Good fat is required to balance the cholesterol levels and to improve the joint as well as bone health. It also provides the body a good amount of calories.


Vitamins: Colourful fruits and vegetables provide the human body with good amount of different types of vitamins.

Minerals: Green vegetables are a good source of minerals.


Fiber: It is required to keep the internal system cleansed. The human body is unable to digest Fiber but dietary fiber actually cleanses the entire digestive system very effectively, enabling better absorption of nutrients by the intestine.

Water: Human body needs 3-4 Litres of water per day. For optimum health one should drink a good amount of water.

For better results, incorporate this Indian vegetarian muscle building diet plan given below to gain some healthy weight. The typical body type of hardgainers is characterized by small bone structure and lean muscles. Below is a diet plan for hardgainers to add 3000 calories to your daily diet and promote muscle gain.

Meal 1: As soon as you wake up

Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Milk 300 ml 10.2 g 14 g 10.06 g 150
Cookies 4 4 g 25 g 6 g 150
14.2 g 39 g 16.06 g 300


Meal 2: Breakfast: (1- 2 hrs after meal 1)
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Oats cooked 100 g 17 g 66 g 6.9 g 380
100 g 20 g 1.1 g 20 g 250
Apple 1 Large 0.55 g 29.28 g 0.36 g 110
37.55 g 96.38 g
27.26 g 740


Meal 3: After 2 – 3 hrs of breakfast
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Walnuts 15 g 2 g 2 g 9.78 g 100
Almonds 20 g 4 g 4.5 g 10.13 g 140
Banana 100 g 1.1 g 23 g 0.33 g 90
Milk 300 ml 10.2 g 14 g 10.6 g 150
17.3 g 43.5 g 30.84 g 480
Meal 4: Lunch
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
 Brown Rice 150 g 4 g 35 g 1.24 g 170
Lentils 150 g 14 g 30 g 0.57 g 170
Curd 100 g 11 g 3.4 g 4.2 g 100
29 68.4 g 6.01 g 440
Meal 5:  (2 hours after lunch)
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Tea 1 cup 0 g 4 g 0.55 20
Cookies 4 4 g 25 g 6 g 150
Almonds 20 g 4 g 4.5 g 10.13 g 140
8 g 33.5 g 16.63 g 310
 Meal 6: (2 hours after meal 5)
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Green Vegetables 200 g 5.8 g 26 g 0.4 g 185


100 g 20 g 1.1 g 20 g 250
25.8 g 27.1 g 20.4 g 435
 Meal 7: Dinner
Food Qty Protein  



Fat Total Calories
Cooked Potatoes 100 g 2 g 17 g 0.1 g 80
Vegetables 100 g 2.9 g 13 g 0.2 g 70
4.9 g 30 g 0.3 g 150


Meal 8: Before Bed
Food Qty Protein  



Fat  Calories
Milk 300 ml 10.2 g 14 g 10.06 g 150
10.2 g 14 g 10.06 g 150


Protein: 146.95 grams
Carbohydrate: 312.88 grams
Fat: 128.1 grams

Suggested pre workout meals: (30 mins before your workout)

Food Qty Protein Carb


Fat Total Calories
Apple 1 pc 0.55 g 29.28 g 0.36 g 110
Boiled Potato  Salad 100 g 2 g 17 g 0.1 g 80


Suggested post workout meals (15 mins after your workout)

Food Qty Protein Carb


Fat Total Calories
Whey protein
30 g 26 g 2 g 0
Skimmed milk 1 glass 8 g 11.88 g 1 g 86



You should strictly follow the diet for at least 2 months to have a positive outcome. It works better when put together with a well-designed workout plan. The diet plan along with workout sessions will help hardgainers in growing muscles at a faster rate. The idea behind following Indian vegetarian diet plan is to gain clean and healthy weight without consuming sugar, fast food, and unhealthy foods. Hardgainers must be concerned about building muscle mass and not body fat. It is necessary to know about the importance of eating healthy, working out and giving good rest to the body to grow muscles. It requires dedication and lots of effort to change your physique, by changing the lifestyle and dietary habits. Quit bad habits, keep yourself calm – anxiety free, meditate to achieve positive changes in yourself.



Poonam Joshi:

View Comments (2)

  • blueprince94 says:

    Love the details of this meal plan diet, all it takes is one month for me to take into my system.

  • Lovely I am a Indian and love it when Indian come up with good work..keep sharing sharing is caring

    hardgainers and muscle mass

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