Fitness Story: Priyanka’s is a Transformation Story That Will Inspire You to Bring Out Your Best

I’m Priyanka Shandil, 32, a proud mother of a 3 yr old, standing tall at 165 cms and presently weighing 59 kgs. I wasn’t always this light. In fact for a decade I didn’t see my weight in its 50’s, two yrs back I had almost touched 3 digits thank God I got on track and didn’t let that happen again.

I have been that fat stout girl all my life ever since I was a small kid. I wasn’t very fat but my broad frame gave me that fat chick look. Back in school I was very active in athletics; I somehow gained a lot of weight during my class 9th and 10th. I was 70 Kgs as a teenager, one of the heaviest girls in my class, I was bullied by people I didn’t even know, snarling comments and jokes were made about my appearance, I remember once when I was returning home from school, this guy at the welding shop made an obscene gesture of a really fat person walking and laughed at me, I cried and cried so much when I reached home. That was it for me, I had to fix myself, as a teenager I started my weight loss journey, this goes back to 2001, in two years I dropped 16 Kgs, and before I joined college I was a petite 54 Kgs, but I was somehow still fat to the eyes of the world and it would bother me so much, in college I was given weird names like BMW, Bullet. One thing I learnt you can never satisfy people. They will judge you no matter what. 

Well I remained active and had a decent physique for the next 10 years. I developed PCOD before my marriage and I started putting on weight after my marriage, I had become too laid back I would hardly workout, and gradually over 2 years I put on 10 kgs, from 65kgs I was at 75Kgs right before my pregnancy.

Now that was my mistake to have not lost weight before conceiving I should have shed that extra 10 Kgs but I didn’t, and why I didn’t do that, because I believed that I anyways have to get fat, how ignorant I was. My pregnancy was full of complications, I ended up being 96 kgs on my last routine checkup, I had to have the baby delivered through a C-Section. Now this was just the beginning of all my miseries, my weight after delivery was 85 kgs in May 2015, I still remember my favourite Dr. Himani telling me, “Priyanka you have to lose weight”! and I said yes Doc, for sure! I was so eager to lose weight that I started working out at 3 months postpartum; my stitches opened and got infected, delayed recovery!! So I gave up. I was depressed because of so many reasons, and gaining weight was one of those. By Jan, 2016 I had become 93Kgs, it was all thanks to my junk eating habits, I had now become a borderline diabetic as well, in the meanwhile I had a transfer in job and I landed in the head office of my Institution, new people, new everything, and of course a fat person, the society has a tough time accepting fat people, as if it irritates their eyes to see a fat person, I never liked jokes when made on me being so fat. It really-really did upset me, my work life had become pathetic now, my superiors started passing derogatory remarks, and again that was it for me, all I needed was this little push, from Feb 2016 till date I have shed 33 Kgs. During this phase when I first reached 80 kgs, I was so happy, I knew that I had achieved something but to the people I was still a fat person, so it didn’t matter to anyone no-one knew about that. Then I reached 70 Kgs, a few people started noticing, but now I have shut everyone and all those people don’t even recognize me anymore LOL. 

I was stuck at 72-75 Kgs for nearly 7 months, this plateau was just impossible for me to break, I tried  everything was eating less nothing happened, my biggest  mistake from Feb 2016 to June 2017 was that I only did cardio my nutrition was all wrong there was very little protein intake in my diet, but just then SQUATS happened – a group in FB where I learnt everything about the right nutrition and why strength training is important and why one should not just stick to cardio, I used to do only home workouts, it was impossible for me to go to the gym so I setup my own home gym and my brother bought a mini home gym station for us, that was the best investment, well after June 2017 I not only broke my plateau I started gaining strength and lost so much body fat my body toned up beautifully. For major part of my transformation after June 2017 I followed a Low Carb Diet. I lost 10% body fat and 12-14 kgs weight.

Since June 2017 till date my life went for a toss (in a good sense) and for the betterment, everything that was going downhill had now started getting better, I am a different person all together now, thanks to SQUATS and the founder of the group JC sir who is my role model, I also took part in their Transformation Challenge and I finally joined a gym, in this challenge 4500+ others had participated, I bagged the first prize in the female category. A trip to Paris, an iPhone X, six month supplements stack, and Wolfpack active-wear were the much coveted prizes which I won, along with new aspirations and new fitness goals that I now have set for myself. I now wish to compete on stage for which I’ve started working. 

To all the women especially mothers with a c – section, who are confused as to where to start my advice is to just start right away, it’s not that you will always get results but fitness requires patience and consistency, so before you begin your fitness journey, accept this one thing! It is going to be tough, the sooner you brace the struggle the easier it will be to remain consistent in your journey without giving up in the middle and without procrastinating. The right nutrition along with any form of physical activity is what gets you the results, so plan your nutrition properly and I always say start by lifting weights rather than running endlessly on the treadmill.


(Disclaimer: This story is shared by the Protagonist herself. Fitsaurus holds the copyright for this content on their behalf. Using this story or pictures of the story for any promotional activities can lead to legal actions against the perpetrator.)


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