How Many Calories Are There in a Jalebi & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

How Many Calories Are There in a Jalebi & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

Jalebi is a deep fried sweet delicacy of India which is made up of refined wheat flour, sugar syrup, and saffron. Refined wheat flour is the primary ingredient of Jalebi. The fermented batter of Maida or Wheat flour is put in a muslin cloth with a hole to make the concentric circles into hot cooking oil for deep frying, resulting in a crisp, juicy and chewy Jalebis. Often Jalebi is again drizzled with sugar syrup after deep frying.

Traditionally, Jalebi requires fermentation for 24 hours. Sugar syrup contains a high amount of trans-fat and saturated fat which enhances your cholesterol levels. It may also cause hormonal imbalances, increased triglycerides levels, abnormal blood sugar levels, water retention, skin problems and maximize the risk of heart diseases. It is advisable to consume Jalebi in small proportions as it also contains clarified butter. Homemade Jalebis are healthier as the amount of sugar and oil can be controlled. Jalebi prepared with paneer or cottage cheese is rich in protein and potassium. You can also use Jaggery syrup which is comparatively low in calories.

Refined white flour contains no natural minerals, fiber, and vitamins. The simple sugars present in refined flour spikes blood sugar levels that lead to obesity, diabetes, constipation, heart problems, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Sugar syrup makes Jalebi high in calories which can spike your blood sugar level. It is important to consume Jalebi in moderate amount since it is packed with unhealthy ingredients and cause fat promoting disease. Jalebis are deep fried in hydrogenated oil which contains trans-fats that reduce the good cholesterol levels and increases the bad cholesterol level.

Calories in Jalebi are as given below in the table




(100 gm)









Jalebi 300 4.31 4.19 1 62.36

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Poonam Joshi:
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