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Myths And Facts About Proteins


Myths and facts about Proteins:

Myths And Facts About Proteins : What are proteins exactly? If we were to present an analogy, it’d be that

proteins are those foot soldiers that work day and night to keep the giant machine that is our body, working.

Individually the molecules may have little to contribute but together they are the difference between functional and dysfunctional. Their functionality ranges from being the building blocks of cells, to repairing lost and injured cells and even helping to control blood sugar levels. Our protein intake, the patterns, timings, sources and quantity pretty much decides the kind of physique we end up with. Very important to fitness enthusiasts. Let’s have a look at points to keep in mind regarding protein consumption.

1. Whey or Soy protein is bad for women.

Soy  protein is protein obtained from soy beans, soy milk, tofu and tempeh, a rather tasteful protein source from plants. There is some truth to the fact that proteins from soy beans and soy milk are responsible for increased levels of estrogen. Estrogen that brings about changes in the reproductive system, brings about development of secondary sexual characteristics in females. But those who say that whey protein leads to broad shoulders and a mannish, muscular figure in females is a rumor indeed. It is not enough to bring about either of these changes. Also that whey protein leads to increase in fat levels is myth. Whey protein is in fact a low-fat protein source.

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2. Overcooking a source of protein denatures it.

Common fear exists that the way we handle our protein will affect its usefulness. Truth is, there is no way to change the level of protein you can get from a protein source by manipulating the cooking procedure. It means that heating your protein shake doesn’t result in loss of its protein content, same way boiling beans and cooking a beef steak for longer cannot degrade its protein content. So go ahead and eat your meats as part of cold soup or piping hot. The only difference that can be brought about is in the fat content depending on the cut of meat and food safety from hygiene level maintained while preparing meat.

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