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How Many Calories Are There in Thandai & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

How Many Calories Are There in Thandai & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?
How Many Calories Are There in Thandai & Does It Have Any Health Benefits?

Thandai is a refreshing milk beverage topped with dry fruits which is served during the festival of Holi and Maha-Shivratri. It is a traditional Indian drink which is consumed during the summers. Thandai cools down your body and serves as a quick energizer. You can also opt for a low fat and low sugar Thandai. The basic ingredients of Thandai include milk, jaggery, saffron, almond, poppy seed, fennel, black pepper and cardamom. Add jaggery to the milk and boil it till it is fully dissolved. Allow the milk to cool and keep it aside. Add powdered almond, fennel, peppercorn and cardamom. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours so that flavours can seep in. Strain the mixture and garnish with poppy seed, rose petals, and saffron. Nuts and dry fruits provide sufficient energy whereas black pepper increases immunity and helps to fight infections. Rose petals and fennel enhance digestion by producing cooling effect.

Calories in Thandai are as given below in the table

Food Qty Protein  



Fat Fiber Total Calories
Thandai 1 cup 10.9 g 24.7 g 12.2 g 2.1 g 245

Homemade thandai is an absolutely healthy drink to consume during summers. You can opt for almond milk or coconut milk instead of cow’s milk to enhance the therapeutic effect. Fennel has anti-flatulence, antioxidants and cooling properties. Black pepper possesses medicinal properties which prevent the accumulation of gas in the abdomen. It also stimulates the production of digestive acid. Black pepper improves urination and perspiration. Hence, it aids in flushing out toxins from the body. Rose petals contain vitamin C, D, E and K along with the organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid and pectin which contribute in maintaining a strong immune system, digestive system as well as excretory system.

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